
Jun 9, 2013

Still Waiting For a Response

I sent the email below to a man who claims to be a minister and leads a congregation of 300+ in the Burleson/Joshua area of Texas.  The group he preaches to does not take a name, claiming to only meet in the name of Christ.  Do you think a minister of this caliber should response to an email such as this?  It will be two weeks tomorrow that I sent it.  The names in the email are pseudo names to protect those mentioned.  


It has been on my heart for quite some time to write you.  I've prayed about it and then recently a friend relayed some thoughts of yours to me in regard those who may have been hurt by you.  Knowing that God must be working in your heart and mind, as He is with all believers, I'm confident that God spoke through my friend to prompt me to share some things with you.

In June of 2010 Brent asked you to come over to visit with me after I told him I was done attending meetings. At that time Brent explained some of the reasons  why I was no longer in agreement with the teachings of the "group".  In addition to those issues, he also explained to you my concerns with Temple Austin.  You denied that you had ever heard any accusations against Temple in an inappropriate manner like those that Brent described.  I have since heard of an account where you were told a very similar story about Temple. This particular situation is of significance to me because there are several witnesses and it happened prior our meeting in 2010.  Byron, I have to wonder why there is dishonesty to cover actions that are ungodly.  Why would a man, who claims to minister for God, choose to cover for another man who also claims to minister in a similar capacity?  While I expect no one to be perfect, I do expect honesty, especially from one who leads out claiming to teach God's word.  My prayer is that you'll come to know the God I know, and that you'll be honest with information that you have, so that other females are protected.  I would NEVER want another female (married or unmarried) to go through what I have.  I beg you to be honest to protect innocent minds from the verbal sexual abuse.  God is much bigger - He knows.

I feel like I've recently been saved again.  No, I've not been recently saved, that happened when I was 17 years old on the front yard of my brother's home in Stillwater, OK on a warm summer evening.  Discovering freedom in Christ, just like the apostle Paul preaches about in his epistles to the early Christians, has been refreshing. It has to be similar to a caged bird being set free!  The burden that is lifted when you begin to get a glimpse of HIS grace is true freedom with a peace that does pass all understanding. My Adamic nature was nailed to the cross the moment I was saved and there is NOTHING I can do to increase God's love me for me. However, when you live under a legalistic system you deny the power of God because it's about the rules and opinions, not the One who hung on the cross.  Which, results in a system just like what's talked about in 2 Tim 3:5, Having a form of godliness, but denying its power.....from such turn away.  I'm SO thankful that Brent has discovered truth in God's word and has turned our family away.  And, I'm forever grateful that I didn't believe the lie the you spoke over me that day back in 2010 that I would lose my children if I chose to "walk away".   What do you mean when you say, "walk away"?  You cannot walk away from God.    Ahhh... what comfort to know that He lives in me. I'm so blessed to have my family walk in truth -  putting the lies behind us.  I've heard you mock the freedom and peace of those who have chosen to fellowship outside the group.  My prayer is that you will allow God to open your eyes to truth so that you, too, can experience true freedom in Christ!  Please, I beg you to not mock God and the honest admissions of God's children - His peace and freedom are real and not an emotional experience. 

I started this email over a week ago and have been praying for guidance to say exactly what God would want me to say.  I've been patiently waiting on His leading and now I know why I couldn't finish it until now. This past weekend I had the opportunity to visit with a young lady who also has been deeply hurt by things you said.  I don't believe what you said was intended to hurt her at all. (I truly believe you have a good heart.) You see, she lived a life that was picture perfect in the eyes of many who set their expectations on the outward appearance.  She wanted to please and to have approval - she was obedient to her parents and to ministry.  She was publicly praised and put on a pedestal as an example to follow.  However, it wasn't about God and He is the ONLY example we should follow. Get a clear picture..... she was admired by many for her works of righteousness, as they saw her outward appearance and her agreement.  Years later while going through a trial she has been questioned by someone who follows your teachings, "Where did the good girl that I know go?"  With tears in her eyes she shared this story with several.  Byron, unknowingly, you took her works and elevated her to place that wasn't godly.  She is a good girl, but not because of anything she did!  In fact, she's an amazing young woman simply because she accepted Christ as her Saviour. Jesus made her perfect - whole - complete. Period.  I have a heart of thankfulness toward God that he provided the opportunity to share with her that those things that were spoke over her were lies and that they were not of God.  I'm confident that she'll flourish and recover from the lie, "You're not good anymore." God is so good and he provides abundantly for his children!!

Byron, I do not share any of this to make you feel guilty or to hurt you. I do not serve a God of shame... only love and grace.  My heart is to speak and share in love - only in love!  My prayer is that you will hear what I've shared, knowing that my heart is not against you.  I have no agenda other than to protect others from unnecessary hurts and to have a heart that is truly overflowing with the love of God, knowing that that He nailed All their sins to the cross. 

A recovering Pharisee who's in love with the One who paid it ALL for her,

1 comment:

  1. God has called each of us to be BOLD for Him and because of this, we do not have fear, we press on fighting the good fight. He has given us truth and the truth has set us free! No bondage, complete freedom in Christ, not in anyone or anything else. Why would anyone hold back from a response? Why would anyone not be ready to give an answer? Because darkness retreats when light is exposed.

    I am encouraged to know that you have sought to fight the fight with truth and not with lies. Anything portrayed against the One True God will be deception and lies. If Approval is required, then its only rules not love.

    Galatians 1:7
    People are being deceived with an imitation of the true gospel, and they have bought into it. The words are nothing but twisted lies.
    - Hear the Voice

    Micah 6:8
    No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
    - NLT
